The Combining Ability Analysis and Selection of the Combination between Old Aged Germplasm and Recent Selected Superior Clones of Cunninghamia lanceolata Quadratic Selection and Popularization of Superior Clone of Populus alba × Populus bolleana 杉木古树种质与现代优良无性系杂交配合力分析与选择银×新无性系二次选优及无性系的推广
It introduces the utility function of quadratic curve form and establishes a maximization model of expected utility in the context of portfolio selection decision problems. 首先以证券组合投资决策问题为背景,引入二次曲线型效用函数,给出期望效用最大化数学模型;
Invariant of Quadratic Curve On Selection of the Variable 二次曲线的不变量关于自变量的选择
Quadratic mutual information was used as the criterion for feature variable selection in pattern recognition problems, and the geometric meaning of QMI criterion in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space was analyzed. 将二次互信息(mutualinformation)用作模式分类问题中特征选择的准则,分析了该准则在再生核希尔伯特空间中的几何意义。
The active set iteration method for this quadratic problem was applied as a learning algorithm for the SVM, and the selection of the initial active set was discussed. 探讨了将活跃集迭代法运用于这种SVM的学习算法以及初始活跃集的选取问题;
Introduced Piecewise quadratic curve fitting method to calculate target trajectory and estimate the target position, which is a path selection mechanism to overcome the low curve fitting discontinuous, to ensure the accuracy of low trajectory curve fitting and reducing the computation costs. 采用分段二阶曲线拟合法计算目标轨迹并估计目标位置,一种路径选择机制克服了低阶曲线分段拟合不连续的难点,保障了低阶曲线轨迹的拟合精度并降低计算开销。